
Wood Stamp Custom text 5 lines + logo

Wood Stamp
Custom text 5 lines + logo

Using a separate ink pad.

Wood Stamp<br>Custom text 5 lines + logo6 Wood Stamp<br>Custom text 5 lines + logo
14.00 € ht   /   16,80 € TTC

En savoir plus
  Enter text and customize your stamp:
Click "browse" to upload your image, logo, signature.

chargement   Votre document est en cours d'envoi. Merci de patienter.
Ou avec la souris.
Ou avec la souris.
Stamp preview
 68mm  25mm

  Review your stamp (and correct if needed)
          Please check upper/lower case, because your stamp wiil be produced as above without changes


Manual inking wood stamp.
Text 5 lines + logo

To ink the imprint with each "stamp stroke", this stamp requires the use of an office ink pad.

Wooden frame in varnished beech, ergonomic handle with flat on the handle indicating the direction of printing. The wooden stamp is an economical stamp, this inexpensive product can be personalized with text.

This stamp is delivered with the wooden frame, and the personalized stamp, do not forget to add the ink box!