
Rubber plate only Custom text on 5 lines + logo

Replacement rubber plate
for your self inking stamp
with custom text on 5 lines + logo

Rubber plate only <br>Custom text on 5 lines + logo11 Rubber plate only <br>Custom text on 5 lines + logo
13.00 € ht   /   15,60 € TTC

En savoir plus
  Enter text and customize your stamp:
Click "browse" to upload your image, logo, signature.

chargement   Votre document est en cours d'envoi. Merci de patienter.
Ou avec la souris.
Ou avec la souris.
Stamp preview

  Review your stamp (and correct if needed)
          Please check upper/lower case, because your stamp wiil be produced as above without changes


Rubber plate only - Supplied with double-sided self-adhesive film.
for your self inking stamp already in your possession,
with custom text on 5 lines + logo.

To have a quality marking, think about change the ink cassette of your stamp!

To replace the imprint of your Trodat stamp:
1 / Remove your old rubber imprint
2 / Remove the self-adhesive protective film from your new imprint
3 / Put your new imprint on your ink pad

4 / Your ink pad is ready!

Advice: To have a quality imprint, remember to also change the ink cassette of your stampAvec une expérience plus de 17 ans dans la vente en ligne avec notre site