
Rubber plate only Text on 2 rounds lines + 1 line

Replacement rubber plate
for your self inking stamp
with custom text on
4 Rounds lines

Rubber plate only <br>Text on 2 rounds lines + 1 line9 Rubber plate only <br>Text on 2 rounds lines + 1 line
17.95 € ht   /   21,54 € TTC

En savoir plus
  Enter text and customize your stamp:
Texte en rond

Fixer le logo

Bouger le texte L2

Stamp preview

  Review your stamp (and correct if needed)
          Please check upper/lower case, because your stamp wiil be produced as above without changes


Rubber plate only - Supplied with double-sided self-adhesive film.
for your self inking stamp already in your possession,
with custom text on 3 rounds lines

To have a quality marking, think about change the ink cassette of your stamp!

To replace the imprint of your Trodat stamp:
1 / Remove your old rubber imprint
2 / Remove the self-adhesive protective film from your new imprint
3 / Put your new imprint on your ink pad

4 / Your ink pad is ready!

Advice: To have a quality imprint, remember to also change the ink cassette of your stampAvec une expérience plus de 17 ans dans la vente en ligne avec notre site